Tuesday 30 August 2011


I've been in Canada for a few days now, and after a few days of slacking decided it was time to get myself back on the treadmill.
I usually run at least 3 times a week (or every second day) as I have a bit of a dodgy right knee, if I run everyday it starts to twinge, but it seems to be able to manage every second day so we've come to a bit of a compromise. On the other days i'm either lazy and stay in bed watching This Morning, or I go to the beloved gym and do other exercising pursuits, such as using the good old cross trainer, or cycling, which is a bit easier on my dear old knee.

Now I need to confess something...I am a gym addict, there is something about gym's that I just love. I lost 5 stone last year and I've been able to keep the weight off thanks to going to the gym 4-5 times a week. As long as I keep up with the gym I can eat pretty much what I like, but I tend to stick to the 80/20 rule. Eat healthy 80% of the time, then treat myself 20%! I tend to be healthy during the week then a bit naughty at the weekends. (but isn't everyone naughty at the weekends! haha!)

So this morning I dragged myself down to the gym in my dad's apartment block, sweated it out for 30 minutes and I feel so much better.

(Me as a gym bunny haha!)

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