Tuesday 30 August 2011

Lonely, I am so lonelyyyy

I used to love that song! 

Anyways I am feeling a bit lonely on this blog, no followers yet.
Maybe I need to up my game? 

But yes, if you would like to follow me I will love you forever and possibly buy you a present.


Song of the Week: Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros

This song has been going round and round my head all week. Romantic lyrics. Catchy tune. Absolutely adore it. 5 minutes of pure bliss.

The video makes me want to run around a field with a tamborine, whistling and dancing/
Big thanks to Fearne Cotton who had this as her record of the week on BBC Radio 1 last week, I downloaded the whole album after listening to it and it's amazing.

Girl Crush

Ok...I admit it. I have a girl crush. Who doesn't love Anne Hathaway at the moment?

If I could swap bodies (or lives...) with anybody it would be her. I think I would spend all day running around with my glossy mane of beautiful brown hair, and fluttering my big doe eyes at everyone.

The Mystery of the Lost Ipod

Well following on from my previous post, my trip to the gym this morning wasn't all plain sailing.

Jumped on the treadmill, put my ipod in the little drinks holder, then started jogging. Now the treadmill I was using was quite old and had probably seen better days and it was a bit shaky...and low and behold my ipod managed to jump out of the holder and fly off the back of the treadmill. It's case came apart and the ipod disappeared! I was literally standing there with the case and the ipod was nowhere to be found. I searched under all the other equipment, and even panicked that it had slid under the door of the utility room in the corner. But thankfully the gap under the door wasn't big enough for a ipod to slip under.

I was puzzled. I knew the ipod had to be somewhere and then it struck me...it was inside the treadmill!
So I started pulling bits off the treadmill, praying no-one came in. I unclipped the bit from the front of the treadmill and hallelujah my beloved ipod was nestled under a whole load of wires and clips! I have never been so glad to see it in my whole life! I just can't run without music and i've had this ipod for almost 3 years now so I have grown quite attached to it.

So I reassembled the treadmill and started again, this time safely tucking the ipod into my sports bra!


I've been in Canada for a few days now, and after a few days of slacking decided it was time to get myself back on the treadmill.
I usually run at least 3 times a week (or every second day) as I have a bit of a dodgy right knee, if I run everyday it starts to twinge, but it seems to be able to manage every second day so we've come to a bit of a compromise. On the other days i'm either lazy and stay in bed watching This Morning, or I go to the beloved gym and do other exercising pursuits, such as using the good old cross trainer, or cycling, which is a bit easier on my dear old knee.

Now I need to confess something...I am a gym addict, there is something about gym's that I just love. I lost 5 stone last year and I've been able to keep the weight off thanks to going to the gym 4-5 times a week. As long as I keep up with the gym I can eat pretty much what I like, but I tend to stick to the 80/20 rule. Eat healthy 80% of the time, then treat myself 20%! I tend to be healthy during the week then a bit naughty at the weekends. (but isn't everyone naughty at the weekends! haha!)

So this morning I dragged myself down to the gym in my dad's apartment block, sweated it out for 30 minutes and I feel so much better.

(Me as a gym bunny haha!)

Friday 26 August 2011

Mini Toiletries

I fly to Canada tomorrow so I popped into Tesco's (I like the word 'popped' as it makes it sound whimsical and spur of the moment, whereas anyone who has been to Tesco's knows that it takes a certain level of bravery and mental preparation especially on a bank holiday weekend) The place was rammed, so many children I could barely move. Now that I am older and out of school I firmly believe that children should be kept in school at all times, or at least when I decide to go shopping.
But back to the point of this story, I went to get some books to read and I needed shampoo and conditioner to last me the trip.
I got two books 'Tinker Tailor Solider Spy' as the film is coming out soon and Keith Richards autobiography 'Life'. (maybe i'll do a review when i've read them?)

And then I went off to the beauty department and came across one of my greatest loves...
I don't know why, but I am a complete sucker for anything in miniature form. 
There is something about toiletries made smaller that makes me go 'awww' and think they are cute. Which is ridiculous as really they are just overpriced chemicals in bottles but oh well!
So now I have the mini versions of the John Frieda 'Go Blonder' range, as I have blonde hair but it's gone a bit dull lately so this stuff usually perks it up!

I Feel So Close To You Right Now

Every now and again a song comes along that literally 'shakes me to my core' (i've always wanted to use that expression!)
I can probably count the songs on my fingers that have made a deep impact on me. I think the last one was 'Always Like This-Bombay Bicycle Club', the sort of songs that you can't listen to loudly enough, you literally want to engrave them into your mind and listen to them forever!
My current song obsession is Calvin Harris's new song 'Feel So Close', the lyrics may not be genius 'I feel so close to you right now, its a force field, I wear my heart upon my sleeve, it's a big deal'. Hmmm...but it is horribly catchy and there is something about the tune that makes me feel so, so happy. I always have a big smile on my face listening to it (and I have had it on repeat for pretty much the past four days).

It really is 4 minutes of pure happiness!


Blackberry Red Light of Doom

Do you have a Blackberry? If you do you may understand what i'm talking about, or think i'm completely insane!
Basically, whenever I see the red light flash on my Blackberry, I do panic a little bit inside and I dont know why! I get this strange gut feeling. It's not like my phone has turned evil and is trying to take over the world, it is simply telling me that I have a text, email, BBM, facebook notification....(could be anything really, Blackberries really can do everything)
The worst is sometimes if I wake up in the middle of the night and I look over and I can see the red light flashing. I then have a ten minute debate with myself deciding if I should check why the phone is flashing and risk waking up and not being able to get back to sleep, or try to ignore it and spend the next few hours restlessly trying to sleep whilst ignoring the red beacon of light shining across the room (it is suprisingly bright!!) imagining every worse case scenario of who could be trying to get in contact with me.
Maybe I should just turn the red light off and be done with it, but it does have its redeeming features. It is useful in situations when you can't really have your phone out, but you can see the little red light poking out of your bag, or when your at dinner waiting for a text/email/bbm/facebook message etc.etc. and you don't want to keep constantly checking your phone.
So in summary I don't know why I fear the red light so much. Maybe i'll download one of those apps that makes the light change to a pretty colour. But for now I will keep referring to it as the 'red light of doom'!


Well Hello There!

My name is Hannah and welcome to my blog!

I often find myself being told by people that they would love to be inside my head for a day, as I do come up with the weirdest thoughts and observations about everyday life.

I get excited about the littlest things, and so many things intrigue me that I can often go off on a tangent for hours on end, and ramble on and on and on and on....(you get the picture!)

So I decided to start a blog to document these observations and to share them with 'the world' (or whoever is amazing enough to actually read what I write!)

So sit back, relax, make a cup of tea and enjoy :)
